Text: 1 Sam. 17:40,
by Elder James Parrott, Jr.
Copyright(C)2012, James Parrott. Treasure The Moment Ministries. All Rights Reserved.
Introduction: Picking out one stone or five of them at the same time will depend on your Natural/Spiritual CSI(Circumstances,
Situations, Issues) you are facing at the time. Remember(Rom. 8:35-39;Mark 7:21;Prov.4:23), David's faith and trust was
in God(Psa.20:7) and that why these five smooth stones gave him the confidence he needed in times of crises, challenges and
uncertainties. When in trouble, call out repeatedly to your innerman(11 Cor. 4:16):Overflow, Increase, Breakthrough, Intercession,
1. Stone of Love
a. Overflow--Psa.23:5;Joel 2:24,25 vs. FEAR
11. Stone of Obedience
a. Increase--1 Cor. 3:6,7;Isa. 40:29 Vs. BAD ATTITUDES
111. Stone of Humility
a. Breakthrough--11 Sam. 23:16, Jer. 30:8 vs. CURSES
1V. Stone of Holiness
a. Intercession--Rom/ 8:26,27; 1 Tim. 2:1,2,Rom. 4:17
V. Stone of Truth
a. Season---John 5:4;Eccl. 3:11;Gal. 6:9