By Elder James Parrott
Copyright(C)2012. James Parrott. Treasure The Moment Ministries. All Rights Reserved.
TEXTS: Psalms 25:14,15; Hebrews 11:1,5,6
Introduction:There are three definitions of Faith:
1. Faith is when your ideas along with inspiration are energized and translated
into a documented format and written formula, the result being transormation.
2. Faith is the confidence of the events expected, although you cannot prove it.
3. Faith is when you know the answer and/or solution, but you don't know the questions
or procedures.
Why are people successful and have opportunities and experience favor and miracles. Its because they have found
the secret. When the devil sends a giant(s) against us,1 Sam. 17:4-10;remember God will have his angel(s) stand by you(Acts
27:23-25 and give you a message of Good cheer. That particular verse(Acts 27:23 is like the 23rd Psalms when you are in the
Valley of the Shadows of Death not fearing evil.
Part One: What He Gives To The Natural Man or Secular Work in this world(Matt. 5:45;John 3:12):
1. Why are we here on earth ?
2. Where do we go from here ?
3. Who am I ?
4. What is my purpose in life ?
5. How and when do I make a decision ?
Part Two: The Believer( 1 Cor. 9:25).
God gives the believer a fivefold work and that why there are five crowns or rewards:
1. PURPOSE-----Truth----------Favor---------------John 18:37
2. Calling-----------Holiness----Angel---------------Eph. 4:4
3. GIFTS/-----------Humility-----Power--------------Matt. 25:15
4. Life Mission--Obedience--Faith---------------Psa. 15:1-5
5. Legacy of-----Love----------Grace---------------11 Tim. 4:7,8
Destiny 1
Cor. 13:12,13