Copyright(C)2012.James Parrott.Treasure The Moment Ministries.
All Rights Reserved.
Texts:Mark 7:13;Hebrews 4;2;Hebrews 11:6
How does one release their faith ? It is in their thought(Rom.4:17). It comes either by desperation or inspiration.
Where are Five things that can set off one's faith:
1. Obedience------------1 Sam. 15:22;Acts 5:29;Dan. 3:17;Mal.
2. Patience---------------------------Heb. 10:36; Eccl.9:11;
Prov. 19:11
3. Overcoming Temptation---1 Cor. 10:13; Matt.4:1-11
4. Forgiveness----------------------Psa. 66:18; Matt.
5. Covenant Holiness-----------Job 2:1-7; Job 42:10
When one starts operation in these simple Laws of Faith one at a time and in combination, God blesses; because
three laws come into being:
1. Law of Success Wisdom
a. Eccl. 3:1; Eccl. 9:11;Acts 5:38,39;1 Cor. 4:5;
Prov. 9:10;Prov. 25:14;Prov.3:5,6;Psa. 25:1-2,14
2. Law of Sowing and Reaping
a. Gal. 6:7,8,9; 1 Cor. 15:33
3. Law of Cause and Effect
1 Sam. 17:40; Heb.4:2; Mark 7:13