Theme: Empowering Believers In Life Application Value Principles
Elder James W. Parrott, Jr.
Copyright(C)2013 James Parrott. Treasure The Moment Ministries, Inc.
Joshua 1:8,9;Psa. 1:1-3; Luke 2:52; John 10:10
When observing natural Life, you can see God's imprint
of success. If Jim Herr's Potato Chips can have "Life with Flavor", I say, one can have "Living Life With Favor".
That's Why Jesus says, If I tell of natural things and don't understand, how can I tell you of spiritual things(John 3:12).
Power of Belief:
Before one can have the favor of God and
even of man, one has to believe in God and have confidence in themselves(Heb. 11:6;Mark 9:24;Psa.27:3,4). If you don't believe
in God or believe in yourself, why shouldn't anyone else believe in you.
11. What Is Belief ?
Belief is for things: It is Faith(John 6:63), Empowerment(1 Sam. 30:6), Creativity(Rom. 4:17), and Purpose(John 18:37; 1 Cor.
111. Seven Steps To Life Success(Revelation 3;7.8)
Favor With Man as seen in Joseph(Gen. 39:2-4), 2.Walking in the Spirit and Will of God(Psa.1:1-3;Gal. 5:16,22,23), 3. Law
of Attraction(Luke 6:38), 4. God's Three Gifts To Man(Eccl. 3:1), 5. Belief in Power Over The Elements(Matt. 21:17-22), 6.
The Law of Cause and Effect(Psa. 27:1-5;Psa. 91:1-6; Mk. 7:13;John 18:37), 7. Power of Creativity, Intent, Initiative(Rom.
CONCLUSION: This sermon is the Release Power
Key of our Bible teaching that Is under publication, "CHRISTIAN GROWTH AND MATURITY" by James Parrott published earlier this
year. In short whether it is the Spiritual Life or Natural Life, don't be a dropout. Confront the Issues of Life, before Life's
Circumstances, Situations and Issues squeezes you into its mold(Matt. 5:45;Rom.12:2).