By James W. Parrott, Jr., copyright(c)2011.Treasure The Moment Ministries, Inc.
Directions: Read the Texts below with your Bible. Along with your bible and a good dictionary answer the questions below
in completed sentences:
Texts:Matt. 4:1-11; Gen. 3:1-8;Matt. 6:13; 1 Cor. 10:12,13.
1. Read the texts above and write a summary paragraph explanation.
2. Explain how being Carnal(Rom.8:6;Matt. 6:33;Luke 10:40-42; Spirit of Error(1 John 4:6;Gen. 4:6;Heb. 4:6;); Author
of Confusion(1 Cor. 14:28,33;Prov.29:18);make for this vicious cycle of temptation ?
3. What is fate(Acts 19:19; 1 Tim. 4:1-3) ?
4. What is Faith(Heb. 11:1,6; 1 Kings 17:1,2; Rom. 4:17; John 6:63; Gal. 5:1,16, 22,23) ?
5. David chose out Five Smooth Stones(1 Sam. 17:29, 40)which means a cause, and our faith also must have an effect(Heb.4:2;
Mark 7:13). There are five things the Devil(Satan) cannot do:Obedience, Love, Humility, Truthy, Holiness). Explain Rom. 11:29;
Luke 10:17-21; 1 Cor. 13:1-5; Rom. 7:14-21;11 Cor. 10:4,5) in light of those who emphasis Success and Spiritual Gifts
as a means to an end ?
7. Why do the people perish-1 Cor. 11:30(yield to temptation) according to Hosea 4:6 and Matt. 22:29(Weak); Psa.
15:1-5 and Col. 3:1-5(Sickly); 1 Cor. 15:33 and Eph. 4:27(Sleep) ?