Correspondence study In New Testament in Greek by James W. Parrott, Jr.
Directions- anwer the questions below in writing and for reference use the following links that will aid
you in this study and upon completion of this course for a freewill offering, our school will present you a certificate
of completion:
1. Bible Greek Dictionary online
2. Basic Theological Studies
3. Theology of Greek Education
4. Meaning of King James Version Bible words
ASSIGNMENT: Submit each answwer to me in writing.
1. Memorize the Greek Alphabetically and in writing .
2. Write out the Greek letters both small and capital letters.
3. Look at the section on Greek verbs and write out ten verb infinitives in Greek and English.
4. What is a dipththong and write them out in Greek and English ?
5. Write out Five sentences in Greek(No scriptures).
6. Look up Koine Greek and Classical Greek, and name which one the New testament is written in ?
7. Go over the section on number, and write out the English number system with the alphabet in Greek beside it .
8. Give a brief Sermon or exegesis on a scripture with a subject, giving emphasis in Greek on key words on the subject