Theme: I'll Wait Till My Change Comes
Texts:Job 14:1-14;11 Cor. 4:7-9
Copyright(C)2012.James W. Parrott.Treasure The Moment Ministries. All Rights Reserved.
Introduction: Trouble can be what you cannot avoid or you willfully make ill will against yourself . This is why one
needs to be in the will of God(Rom. 8:28-31;Rom. 8:35-39). If we stay in the will of God, trouble for the believer is a test,
trial and sometimes persecution(Matt. 5:10). Yea in all these things we are more than conquerors(Rom. 8:37). In short trouble
is a blessing for the believer, but it is a punishment and curse to unbelievers. Yes, we can be stressed(under pressure),
but this trouble is controlled, yet there is hope. Distress is when troubled that is chaos, no up and out of control. The
key is staying out of needless trouble when we follow what is right in our own eyes(Eccl. 7:17;1 Kings 8:5;Jud.21:25).
What you need to do as as God to get discouragement, bad luck
and the curse off of you. Discouragement is when you lack purpose or lost purpose. Bad luck is when you have lost time or
time is against you. The curse is when their is no season or oyu are going through a dry season in your life. The good news
is that God can turn it around(Circumstances, Situation, Issues)-YOUR CSI. David said in Psalms 30:5... "weeping may endure
for a night, but joy cometh in the morning". Your STP will come to help you in your CSI-Eccl. 3:1- :To everything there is
a purpose(never discouraged)Time(The hope for bad luck(Calamities)the season which destroys the curse.
When you are dealing with the source of trouble it is the
how, who and why(Stronghold and,Strongmanis the cause and the origin. When you are dealing with the resource
of trouble it is the what, where and the when(Demons) that is the effects, the results and symptons.
There Are Seven Things That Will Get You Into Trouble:
1. Your Associates/Aquaintances--1
Cor. 15:33
11. The Words You Talk(Say)-------------------Prov. 18:21
111. The Thoughts You Think------------Matt. 5:21,22,27-29
1V. The Things You Touch--------------Col. 2:21
V. The Things You Taste---------------Col. 2:21
V1. The Things You Do-------------------Gal. 6:8
V11. The Way You Feel---------------------Prov. 16:25
God know how much we can bare and will make a way of escape(Psa. 37:23;1 Cor. 10:13). Trouble for the unbeliever is fate
a bad predestined destiny that cannot be changed. Trouble for the believer is irritation(like a oyster making a pearl). This
is faith that may be trouble that in the end has a season that will bring a miracle change of restoration(Job 14:14;Job 42:10;11
Cor. 4:17). Trouble last for a time, but the breakthrough deliverance increase is coming in
its season(Eccl. 3:1;Gal. 6:9;Eccl. 9:11). What Will break the "BAD LUCK CHAINS" which are 13 letters will be two
sets of 13 letters",understanding" which is 13 letters and "purpose wisdom". The Key to staying out of trouble and/or being
delivered from trouble is know are you dealing with its source or resource.