1. Type of Programs
A. Financial
B. Spiritual
C. Motivational
11. Articualting Your Church Program
A. Vision Statement(Slogan)-Sets a Direction
a. Basis of what your program is about, and this doesn't change, unless the
leadership of
your organization changes, or there is a change in
a new direction of vision.This is
Long Term Planning(Nehemiah 4:6)
B. Mission Statement(Motto)-Thesis Sentence(catch phrase)with supporting objectives
1. A specific statement that specifically support the Vision Statement with supporting
following. However, it is this part of your program that either will
change, or may be
ammended in order to keep your vision alive.This is short
Term Planning(Nehemiah 6:3).
2. It is also your objectives(goals) on what you will accomplish.
C. Basic Program Outlining:
1. Title Of Program
11. Purpose of Program
111. Type of Program
1V. Materials Needed
V. Key People Needed
V1. Cost of Program
V11. Program Objective
V111. Contents of Your Progam
1X. Procedure of Your Program
X. Evaluating Your Program
Part Two:Types of Leadership(Triple AAA Formula of Faith Dynamics)
A. Daniel,Three Hebrew Boys, Queen Esther
1. Faith in Attitude- The Wilderness
B. Paul, Prophetess Deborah
2. Hope in Aptitude-The Desert
C. John the Apostle, Lydia
3. Charity(Love) in Altitude-The Jungle(Patmos)
D. There Is A Leader In You
A. Ezekiel 22:30;Heb. 5:12
1. Five
Smooth Stones Of Leadership
A Book---Hag. 2:2,3-----Truth
b. A Dreammer-Gen. 37:1-8---Love
c. An Achiever-11 Tim. 1:7---Holiness
An Inventor--Rom. 4:17---Obedience
A Motivator----1 Sam. 30:6
2. These Five Smooth Sones enable one to
up to the Four Principalites(Kings):
King Saul, A Pharoah, A Uzziah,
Part Three: Motivating People
A. See Sections under Crisis Counseling-Ministering To The Hurting and The
of Theology In The Workplace !
Part Four:Evaluating Your Program
A. How were your objectives accomplished ?
B. If the above answer is no, why ?
C. Even if your program was successful, are there any improvement you could make ?
D. What were people who attended are meetings able to use as teacheable points of
view able to take back to their churches ?
1. What is the difference between a Vision Statement and a Mission Statement ?
2. What are the components of a program ?
3. Compose a program using those above points.
4. How do you motivate people ?
5. What are the two basic feature of a program that has vision ?
6. What are four basic types of Church Programs ?
7. What are the three models of Biblical Leadership listed in in this lesson ?