Directions: Read ther questions below. In some cases you will need a dictionary.
Please be sure to use your Bibles and give a completed sentence answer.
1. How does one's heart differ from their mind according to Daniel 2:28-30 ?
2. What is the nature of a person ?
3. What is character in a person ?
4. How does Gal. 5:18-21 demonstrate nature in a person ?
5. How does 11 Tim. 3:2-4 demonstrate character in a person ?
6. Write out the definitions to these words in 11 Tim. 3:2-4 :
a. incontinent
b. heady
c. trucebreakers
d. highminded
e. covetous
f. blasphemers
7. Define these terms as mentioned in Gal. 5:18-21:
a. adultery
b. fornication
c. lasciviousness
d. variance
e. emulations
f. strife
g. sedition
h. heresies
8. How does Mark 7:21-24 and Prov. 4:23 demonstrate the nature of man ?
9. How does ll Pet. 1:5-8 demonstrate Christian Character ?
10. What is psychology ?
11. What is Christian Psychology according to Rom. 7;14-21 ?