By Elder James W. Parrott,Jr.
Copyright(C)2012. James Parrott. Treasure The Moment Ministries. All Rights Reserved.
Texts: 1 Samuel 17:11, 40 ;Proverbs 29:18;11 Timothy 1:7
Introduction: This subject is an example of what Jsus Christ was talking about in John 3:12, if you don't understand
natural(earthly) things, how can I tell you about spiritual things. If you have natural phobias(fears), how can I tell
you about spiritual phobias(fears).
David saw through Goliath(Soothsayer, Braggard).Yes
he was a giant, inwardly he was just a moron who had a demonic testimony to his pagn god Dagon and himself. The key to overcoming
fear starts with faith(Heb. 11:,6). Faith is five letters, just as devil is five letters and Jesus is five letters.
David learned through Secret Closet Praise and Worship how to overcome fear.(Psa. 34:1-4; Matt. 6:6).
a. Faith----------------Fate--Num.13:33-35;Num.14:7-9
b. Obedience-------Unbelief--1 Sam. 15;22;Heb.3:17-19
c. Holiness----------Superstition--Gal.3:1; Dan. 1:8;John 18:37
d. Truth---------------Tradition---Mark 7:13;Heb. 4:2
e. Humility-----------Undiscipline---1 Cor.9:25; James 4:6;
Sam. 17:35-37;Luke 10:40-42; 1 Sam. 13:14
First and rules of a natural and spiritual battle are as follows;never let a person
or group that they hurt you, and nver show fear. When you let the enemy know you are affraid of them and that you are hurt,
you lost. That's what happen to Saul and Israel when they faced Goliath(1 Sam. 17:11) Yes, Goliath's name means Braggard and
soothsayer(Psychic). This word on Faith is five letters lets us know faith has five levels that also can go into five dimensions,
if we would put our trust in the Lord(Psa. 20:7 ;Psa. 37:1-3; Zech.4:6;Ezra 4:5)